Nenden Novianti
I am a movement builder towards a victorious Indonesia and a heavenly Earth. Therefore, I must gather the best individuals in their respective fields who possess pure hearts and are genuinely called to serve beyond mere work and financial gains.
The following knight is a woman. She has just been appointed as the CEO of PT Avalon Semesta Konsultama (Avalon Consulting) replacing the previous CEO who resigned. Despite being a woman, she is not frail. On the contrary, she is powerful and sometimes strict. In fact, I have been hard on her. I have trained her to become a strong knight and leader. I carry out my duty to develop each person to their best version fairly and without discrimination.
My first reencounter with Nenden Fathiastuti was quite funny. She contacted me in 2017 to handle her daughter’s condition, who frequently experienced unusual illnesses. Thus, we met, and I took on my role as a Spiritual Healer to recover her daughter. It turned out that it wasn’t just her daughter who was ill; she was also unwell. So, I decided to treat her too, and miraculously, her swollen thyroid gland suddenly went down, and she didn’t need the scheduled surgery anymore. After some time, I just found out that Nenden was my junior at Senior High School 8 Bandung. We were from different batches, and we actually knew each other because of our shared interest in the arts.
In short, Nenden is one of the few old disciples who still survive. She has witnessed the spiritual growth that I experienced,and she understands the dynamics that occur within the community. She has also personally experienced the miracles of living in flow – something she initially didn’t comprehend as she had always tried to plan and control her life.
Then, what is Nenden’s professional expertise and role in the movement that I am building?
With a background in Master of Arts from Ohio University in Communication and Development Studies, Nenden has extensive work experience as a journalist and media officer in various institutions. On that basis, she was first given the mandate to manage the campaign and media program at PIG. The results were website and Bumi Langit YouTube channel. She is also experienced as a journalist at Detikcom and Vivanews, and a freelance writer for various magazines such as Femina, More Indonesia, and Hai. As a media officer, she has worked at the office of the President during President SBY’s era, as well as for several NGOs funded by international donors. She has served as the PR Manager for WWF Indonesia and has also worked at the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs. In the world of writing, she has taken on a special role under the pen name Josephine Phoenix. Since 2017, she has been devoted to meditation and spirituality, undergoing a transformative journey that has trained her to live in harmony with the flow of the universe.
Currently, she also leads Avalon Consulting, which positions itself as a “candradimuka crater”, or crucible of change, for leaders in various sectors. It offers spiritual-based leadership knowledge that is transformative, progressive, and revolutionary.