
The entrance to silence is what we refer to as RELAXATION. Relaxation is about how we really enjoy the PRESENT MOMENT here, fully ENJOYING whatever we are doing.

A hint of arrogance can ruin everything else. Make sure that only HUMILITY exist within you.

You have to take RESPONSIBILITY for your PURITY. Mindful is something that can be done anytime and anywhere.

New Book Release
Journey to Reach Pure Light
Journey to Reach Pure Light is the documentation of a spiritual journey to find the true meaning of our existence in this world, as a human being. Setyo Hajar Dewantoro, a spiritual teacher from Java, Indonesia has travelled across Indonesia, South East Asia and many parts of Europe, following the Holy Guidance to unveil the sacred knowledge and ancient wisdom that mostly forgotten, or mistakenly understood. The book is here to take you along, and enjoy the journey in reaching the pure light within yourself, by purifying the body, mind and soul.