
The Knowledge/Science of Soul Perfection
by Setyo Hajar Dewantoro

Publisher: Javanica
City: Yogyakarta
Author: Setyo Hajar Dewantoro
Number of pages: 417 pages
Language: Indonesian
Year of publication: May 2018


Sastrajendra Hayuningrat is often considered as a secret ancient knowledge that cannot be openly taught. However, the author of this book encourages as many people as possible to learn it with the understanding that the ancestors of Nusantara were able to achieve the great heights by mastering Sastrajendra.

Sastrajendra, which was conveyed by Resi Wisrawa to Dewi Sukesi thousand of years ago, is a pinnacle of spiritual teachings that reveals the secrets of the soul and the universe, as well as the way to perfect the soul to attain the union with Sangkan Paraning Dumadi: God. One who masters Sastrajendra is a true human who is capable of hamemayu hayuning bawana ambrasta dur angkara (beautifying the universe and eradicating anger), just as the teachings of Eyang Semar, the protector of the land of Java.

However, Sastrajendra can only be mastered by individuals who have a strong commitment to purify their body and soul from diyu (the negative traits of anger) and connect with the Divine Guru or the Divine Ruci who resides in the depth of the heart. When someone is connected with the Divine Guru, they are able to utilize the divine sense as the primary tool of intelligence within themselves, which gives them the power to heal Mother Earth, who is currently wounded by her own children.
