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“Sin” In a Spiritual Perspective

By 27 May 2023No Comments

One aspect of spiritual learning is to be free from all traces of sin (negative karma), one of the roots of suffering. If our body has a lot of sins, it will attract events that create suffering in our life. Therefore, avoid falling into such a misleading statement, “When one develops spirituality, sin is no longer present. In logic, discussing sin is unnecessary because we have transcended duality.   

In fact, while we are not in pure consciousness, we are inevitably in the corridor of duality. We can do wrong and right.  Mistakes lead us to suffer, while truth leads us to happiness. Spiritual practice allows us to transcend duality. We reach a point where we no longer make mistakes. We are consistently committed to the truth. Spirituality does not disregard the existence of sin. Instead, it encourages us to be liberated from sin.


Then, What is Sin?

Sin is viewed distinctly from spiritual viewpoints compared to religious and moral perspectives. From a conventional standpoint, either in the realm of religion or morality, specific actions may be deemed acceptable or even righteous. However, when viewed from a spiritual perspective, these actions may be considered significant mistakes and blatant sins. On the other hand, what may be deemed a sin or immoral act in a religious or moral context may not necessarily be viewed as such from a spiritual standpoint. Therefore, we need to understand the true nature of sin deeply. Spirituality encourages us to have an accurate and thorough understanding of sin.

Sin is anything against the guidance of the Highest Self, an act that is not based on pure love. Sin is any action that goes against the direction of the Highest Self. Sin can appear in thoughts, words, and deeds.


The Sin of the Mind

“Why am I facing a miserable fate despite my innocence?”

Even if you believe you have done nothing wrong, you may still be guilty of sin. For example, your thoughts can create evil when you develop prejudices. Good or bad prejudices are illusions. For instance, considering someone genuinely enlightened as insane is a sinful act. On the other hand, regarding someone who belongs to the first dimension as enlightened, from a spiritual perspective, is a sin.

To prevent falling into the trap of sin, you must be in a state of pure consciousness. Do not allow yourself to get entangled in prejudice. You must have the courage to uncover all beliefs. You need the courage to seek and validate the truth in your silence.

Sin of Speech

Words that bring sin arise without pure consciousness and a motive of love within them. For instance, gossiping and insulting someone who has offered honest feedback is considered sinful.

Sin of Deeds

Your actions can also create sin—for example, the act of spitting. In Indonesian law, this act may not necessarily be considered wrongdoing. The moral viewpoint may regard it as an acceptable act. Furthermore, from a religious perspective, it may not be considered a sin because no verse explicitly prohibits it. However, from a spiritual standpoint, when you spit improperly, you have sinned. When you spit in the wrong place, you disregard the love for all beings that exist and disrupt the harmony. Although it may seem trivial, it is still considered a sin.

What is the point of learning spirituality if one keeps committing sins daily?

If you are genuinely devoted to spiritual learning, be mindful of your thoughts, words, and actions.

We should acknowledge that the Law of the Universe encompasses everything. The law of cause and effect is inevitable. We must be conscious in determining the cause that will generate harmonious consequences. We must tread carefully and avoid adding to our traces of sin.

The teaching of Setyo Hajar Dewantoro on “Healing Inner Wounds to Reap Happiness” Yogyakarta, August 7, 2021.


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