On the day of my birth, July 13th, I was led to write a summary of what I’ve taught so far. There are seven points and seven lessons of liberation on the cycle of reincarnation or samsara; therefore, humans can experience heavenly life from this moment. Let all interested in learning understand; thus, there is no misunderstanding.
The basis of independence and perfect freedom is silence: an attitude of being constantly aware, with the axis of realizing and enjoying the breath to understand the reality of The Highest Self/The Source of Pure Love and the divine guidance from the heart. Silence dissolves the ego; it makes us recognize egoistic desires and be fully aware of choosing to obey God’s voice.
When you practice silence that’s persistently implemented, whenever and wherever, you are constantly aware of the flow of pure loving energy in the breath, being grateful for the power and love of God who always encompasses; therefore, the purification of the body and soul occurs. The purification phase is inconvenient and uneasy, so you must complete it with total surrender and resilience.
Do not believe anything easily. Everything must be explored with a perfect scientific attitude. The truth is explored by exerting an optimal use of thought and divine sense. We should understand that truth is a reality that is authentically experienced. Illusion is a source of sorrow, so it must be eliminated with the holy light and an overt attitude toward the truth without being attached to concepts and traditions.
Spiritual awareness should be proven daily through faithfulness and total obedience to the divine guidance of God, which arises from the depths of the heart and is recognized in silence. Therefore, each recommendation should be followed, even if it seems irrational; moreover, it contradicts the prevailing morality or norms resulting from the collective human mind.
The heart of every human being is rightly encompassed by the pure love that spontaneously and naturally flows from the heart, from the completion of inhalation of our natural breath. Every thought, speech, and deed are underpinned by pure love, which is “the fruit” of a continuous silence throughout time. Pure love increasingly encompasses the self. Acceptance, forgiving, and steadfastness for oneself and others come with this pure love.
Justice can only be implemented when humans live in pure love. Be fair to yourself, others, and even those who are hostile or against you. Treat everyone perfectly balanced and harmoniously, according to God’s guidance that arises from the depths of the heart.
We should realize that living as a human is a special grace. Earth is a school for souls to become perfect souls. The present moment is the most precious treasure. Thanking God all the time is the highest virtue. Be happy all the time as a form of perfect gratitude. Then, as a manifestation of gratitude, create something according to your talents wholeheartedly. Give your best sincerely and collaborate without competition.